
Our Audit Committee and senior management monitor the implementation of our risk management policies across the Company on an ongoing basis to ensure that our internal control system is effective in identifying, managing and mitigating risks involved in our operations.


Mr. DENG Huajin

1972 | Chairman and Executive Director

Date of Joining was Aug 2007|Date of Appointment was Apr 2018

Mr. TIAN Yuan

1969 | Executive Director

Date of Joining was Aug 2007|Date of Appointment was Apr 2018

Ms. SUN Jie

1973 | Executive Director

Date of Joining was Aug 2007|Date of Appointment was June 2024

Mr. LI Gabriel

1968 | Non-executive Director

Date of Joining was Apr 2015|Date of Appointment was Apr 2018

Mr. ZHAO Guibin

1970 | Non-executive Director

Date of Joining was Apr 2020|Date of Appointment was Apr 2020

Mr. XIAO Yang

1979 | Non-executive Director

Date of Joining was Jun 2022|Date of Appointment was Jun 2022

Mr. ZHANG Lihong

1971 | Independent non-executive Director

Date of Appointment was Jun 2018

Mr. CAO Zhiguang

1973 | Independent non-executive Director

Date of Appointment was Jun 2018

Mr. WONG Man Chung Francis

1965 | Independent non-executive Director

Date of Appointment was Jun 2018

Committees Under The Board Of Directors

  • Audit and Risk Management Committee

    We have established an audit and risk management committee with written terms of reference in compliance with Rule 3.21 of the Listing Rules and the Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report as set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. The audit and risk management committee consists of three members, namely Mr. WONG Man Chung Francis, Mr. CAO Zhiguang and Mr. ZHANG Lihong. Mr. WONG Man Chung Francis has been appointed as the chairman of the audit and risk management committee and is our independent non-executive Director with the appropriate professional qualifications.

  • Remuneration Committee

    We have established a remuneration committee with written terms of reference in compliance with Rule 3.25 of the Listing Rules and the Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report as set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. The remuneration committee consists of four members, namely Mr. CAO Zhiguang, Mr. DENG Huajin, Mr. ZHANG Lihong and Mr. WONG Man Chung Francis. Mr. CAO Zhiguang has been appointed as the chairman of the remuneration committee.

  • Nomination Committee

    We have established a nomination committee with written terms of reference in compliance with the Code on Corporate Governance and Corporate Governance Report in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules. The nomination committee consists of three members, namely Mr. DENG Huajin, Mr. ZHANG Lihong and Mr. CAO Zhiguang. Mr. DENG Huajin has been appointed as the chairman of the nomination committee.

Governance Documents